Here's how it all comes together, The Knee Monitor ecosystem comprises a set of wearable sensors and an app, designed specifically for Physical Therapists to monitor and rehabilitate TKR patients

What is knee monitor?

Knee monitor gives you a research-grade, objective assessment of the knee through its use of wearable technology during simple, close-to-daily-life exercises. Knee Monitor is made up of:

4 High tech sensors

An iPad app

Comprehensive patient reporting


Good for you & your patients

Rehab Professional

  • Quick and easy: full functional assessment in <15 min
  • Objective data to rely on – shifts the conversation away from pain
  • Help your patients on their rehab journey: progress monitoring and goal achievement over time
  • Do everything you could before, and more
  • Adaptable and portable – fits into your practice and existing assessments easily


  • Increased motivation and engagement
  • Better experience
  • Greater satisfaction
  • Reassurance of progress

How knee monitor works

Download the app

Open up the Knee Monitor app and create your patient file.

Advanced & easy to use sensors

  • A set of four lightweight, ergonomic sensors placed on both thighs and ankles.
  • These sensors measure the movement of the knee accurately between them.
  • Easily adjustable straps.
  • Labelled with placement for ease of use
  • Connects to your iPad via Bluetooth
  • Comes with quick-release charging dock & a long lasting battery

The Knee Monitor App

The app measures the widest range of objective data in one place. Carry out all the trials you would already and benefit from the hands-free nature of Knee Monitor so you can focus on your patient and not your tools.

Calculate assisted range of motion

Assess the range of motion during squat repetitions

Complete a standard patient pain questionnaire to determine the Oxford knee score

Assess gait parameters such as walking speed, stride length and walking impact asymmetry all from a straight-line walk

Measure how many sit-to-stand movements can be completed in 30 seconds

The Report

Export progress in detailed Excel spreadsheet or an easy-to-read patient report. The patient report contains all the objective data and subjective questionnaires captured from the functional assessments you have completed. The data is displayed in simple, easy to understand charts and graphs.

Interested In A Demonstration? Want To Find Out More?

Our free demos are personalized to your specific needs as a physical therapist, chiropractor, doctor, nurse or general practitioner to show how Knee Monitor can work for you.

Fill out our contact form and member of the team will reach out to provide more information.